Yum yum yummy!
Lee finally fell asleep for his afternoon nap so I have a chance to post.
Here are some pics I took last week. He was so messy I couldn't resist taking them. He loves to smile when he sees the camera now.

The last picture he is chewing his tongue. He still doesn't have any teeth yet, but I've talked to quite a few mothers recently who said their children's teeth didn't come in until they were almost a year. Lee's been chewing and gnawing on stuff for months.

We all went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Mike on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Lee cried when everyone yelled "Surprise" and tooted the party favors, but he was great for the rest of the time.
Yesterday we went to the zoo with our friends Jen, Carter, and Holden. Carter just turned 3 and talks and talks! I couldn't understand much of what he said, but Jen could. He is so curious and full of energy. I can't wait until Lee is his age!
Holden is 4 months old and is a cutie pie. He seems so small compared to Lee, but there is only a three month difference.
The animals at the zoo were quite active. Usually, most of them are sleeping. The lions both roared and one of the tigers was close to the display window. The snow leopard was even up and walking. Unfortunately, the penguin display still has a leak so they weren't out. Bummer. Of course I didn't bring my camera.
Lee's awake. Gotta run!
Here are some pics I took last week. He was so messy I couldn't resist taking them. He loves to smile when he sees the camera now.

The last picture he is chewing his tongue. He still doesn't have any teeth yet, but I've talked to quite a few mothers recently who said their children's teeth didn't come in until they were almost a year. Lee's been chewing and gnawing on stuff for months.

We all went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Mike on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Lee cried when everyone yelled "Surprise" and tooted the party favors, but he was great for the rest of the time.
Yesterday we went to the zoo with our friends Jen, Carter, and Holden. Carter just turned 3 and talks and talks! I couldn't understand much of what he said, but Jen could. He is so curious and full of energy. I can't wait until Lee is his age!
Holden is 4 months old and is a cutie pie. He seems so small compared to Lee, but there is only a three month difference.
The animals at the zoo were quite active. Usually, most of them are sleeping. The lions both roared and one of the tigers was close to the display window. The snow leopard was even up and walking. Unfortunately, the penguin display still has a leak so they weren't out. Bummer. Of course I didn't bring my camera.
Lee's awake. Gotta run!
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