No, not the crib!!!!!!

I love this picture of Lee. It was taken a couple of weeks ago when he was in the crib. He makes some really funny faces as you can see. He really is much cuter in person than in a picture. I talked to my friend Lauren and she said most babies are cuter in person than in a photo which I did not know.
So last night was a nightmare! Lee was awake from 4pm until around 1am. We tried several times to get to stay asleep in the crib. I ended up nursing him in bed and then of course, we all fell asleep. Bad habit. I woke up I think around 3 am and told David to put him in his crib, which David being the absolutely wonderful father and husband did. Lee remained asleep until 7:30. What you have to understand, Lee's room is just off our bedroom. His crib is approximately 10 ft away from our bed. I know he does not realize we are so close so I think he's afraid to be alone. So...what we're going to do tonight is squeeze his bassinet in our room somewhere and let him sleep in there. It worked with Roxy when she was a puppy, so it should work with a human baby, right? Just kidding.
We went to our new required destination today, Babies-R-Us. I only spent $12.00 there which is the least I've ever spent. I bought a new type of pacifier to try. Lee kind of got the hang of it. I held it and he sucked a little. Mostly, he just gummed it but seemed to like it more than the other three typed of pacifiers I bought for him. We also went to the mall where I spent about $40.00 on new clothes and hats. He doesn't have any long sleeved shirts for the fall so I found some on sale, probably from last season. Of course all the summer stuff is on sale now so I picked up a cute onsie kind of thing with a dinosaur on it! Everything I bought was on sale so I don't feel bad.
It's funny how my priorities change. I refuse to buy any new clothes. I've lost 28 of the 43 pounds I put on so I am still not fitting into my pre-maternity pants. My shirts are tight because my boobs are so big, but I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is tight pants. I was so sick of wearing sweat pants so I did go to Walmart and bought a cheap pair of khaki size 16 capris. They are already drooping off my butt to the point of me having to pull them up every 15 minutes or so.
My friend Jenn had her baby Ryan on June 16th so that makes Lee 15 days older. It's fun to talk to her about the babies and someone to commiserate with! I still haven't seen Ryan but we'll get together soon.
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