Happy Winter!
We received some snow here in Syracuse finally. I was really enjoying the great balmy weather (for this time of year) we were having, but what are you going to do?

We brought Lee out to play in the snow for the first time. I think he liked it. Unfortunately, he wanted to continue walking up the street where people hadn't shoveled, so I had to pick him up and bring him toward the house. He didn't like that. He doesn't appreciate when you try to tell him what to do.
I've got the C-section scheduled for the end of February. Yeah! I'm 32 weeks now. I feel as if I've been pregnant forever and feel as if it's about time already. Only seven weeks. Yikes. I've been feeling okay. Still have heartburn and am very tired all of the time. And I can't eat too much or ...... . I'm sure you don't want to know all the details.
I got rid of my Liberty and we have a minivan now. Wow. I said I never wanted a minivan, but hey, it's awesome. It's going to be great this summer with two kids and a big dog going back and forth to our camp. It's a nice blue color.
Okay, so I've said this before. I will try to post more often. I see by my site tracker, there are people that check out this blog and I do appreciate it, so I will try.

We brought Lee out to play in the snow for the first time. I think he liked it. Unfortunately, he wanted to continue walking up the street where people hadn't shoveled, so I had to pick him up and bring him toward the house. He didn't like that. He doesn't appreciate when you try to tell him what to do.
I've got the C-section scheduled for the end of February. Yeah! I'm 32 weeks now. I feel as if I've been pregnant forever and feel as if it's about time already. Only seven weeks. Yikes. I've been feeling okay. Still have heartburn and am very tired all of the time. And I can't eat too much or ...... . I'm sure you don't want to know all the details.
I got rid of my Liberty and we have a minivan now. Wow. I said I never wanted a minivan, but hey, it's awesome. It's going to be great this summer with two kids and a big dog going back and forth to our camp. It's a nice blue color.
Okay, so I've said this before. I will try to post more often. I see by my site tracker, there are people that check out this blog and I do appreciate it, so I will try.