Life With Lee

Trials and tribulations (and fun!) in dealing with two little boys.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Two of my favorite things...

The sound of my son's laugh and spending time outside on a beautiful day like today.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Presents, presents, presents

Lee and I got together with the fabulous Beth who gave us both some lovely presents-

A cool blanket for Lee:

I love the diagonal stitch of this blanket. Lee likes it too!

I received this skein of yarn that Beth dyed with Kool-Aid! I can't wait to make something out of it. There was also a beautiful scarf-in-process included, but I will get it to keep once it is finished. (And I'll make sure to post a pic)

Friday, September 23, 2005

Completed project

I crocheted this scarf as a birthday gift. I was happy with the fact I actually finished something and the way it came out. It came together pretty fast!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

But seriously...

I'm really going to start posting more. It's been almost a month. I've been feeling like I haven't had much to talk about, but a lot has been happening.

Lee is getting so big and maturing so fast. I notice changes everyday. It's truly amazing how he is developing. Right now, he's on the floor playing with his gymini. There are three hanging animals that move and play music once he touches them. He loves to grab and stare at them.
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