Life With Lee

Trials and tribulations (and fun!) in dealing with two little boys.

Monday, January 30, 2006

We're back

Wow. It's been a while. It's been a busy week.

Last Monday, Lee took a nosedive off the couch and landed on his face. His nose immediately started bruising, but he cried right away. I called Dave at work, who thankfully works five minutes away, and we rushed Lee to the Dr's. Everything checked out and Lee was smiling and laughing the same evening.

On Wednesday night, I got together with Beth, Peg, and Stephanie. Beth tried to teach me to knit socks on two circular needles, but I just wasn't getting it. I'm not giving up though. I just need to finish some projects for other people first. I hope to get together with all of them soon.

Saturday, Lee and I went to a co-worker's shower. I'm knitting a blanket which is almost finished. Someone won't leave me alone today to finish it....... It was great to see everyone again. My friend Jenn brought her baby,Ryan who is only two weeks younger than Lee. And let me tell you, that Ryan is something else! He was crawling around like a madman and making all kinds of noises. He wanted to be friends with Lee, but unfortunately Lee was overwhelmed with the amount of people and the noise. My arms and knees hurt that night from hauling Lee around. He didn't want anyone else to hold him for very long. Lee weighs close to 23 pounds now! I talked to some women who have new babies so hopfully we'll be getting together for play dates.

After lunch, we went to check out the local library. I picked up a kid's crochet book, Debbie Bliss' "baby knits for beginners" and Nick Horby's new one "A Long Way Down." Hornby's the guy who wrote "High Fidelity" and "About a Boy." I really need to start reading fiction again.

Well, Lee's tired and cranky. Time to go.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I finished a sweater! I found a quick and easy pattern and did it! Granted, it's not the best fit, but I love the colors and the sleeves are long enough to cover up Lee's hands. Lee likes it too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Jump for Joy!

Time is flying right by! Both Lee and I caught colds this past week, but are getting over them now.

Grandma and Grandpa Al are coming for a visit on Friday.

Dave started his new job and really likes it!

I've been trying to do some knitting. Right now, I'm working on a baby blanket for my friend Lauren's new baby girl. Hopefully I'll have it finished before the baby Raya can walk!

Here's Lee enjoying his jumperoo!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Yum yum yummy!

Lee finally fell asleep for his afternoon nap so I have a chance to post.

Here are some pics I took last week. He was so messy I couldn't resist taking them. He loves to smile when he sees the camera now.

The last picture he is chewing his tongue. He still doesn't have any teeth yet, but I've talked to quite a few mothers recently who said their children's teeth didn't come in until they were almost a year. Lee's been chewing and gnawing on stuff for months.

We all went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Mike on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Lee cried when everyone yelled "Surprise" and tooted the party favors, but he was great for the rest of the time.

Yesterday we went to the zoo with our friends Jen, Carter, and Holden. Carter just turned 3 and talks and talks! I couldn't understand much of what he said, but Jen could. He is so curious and full of energy. I can't wait until Lee is his age!
Holden is 4 months old and is a cutie pie. He seems so small compared to Lee, but there is only a three month difference.

The animals at the zoo were quite active. Usually, most of them are sleeping. The lions both roared and one of the tigers was close to the display window. The snow leopard was even up and walking. Unfortunately, the penguin display still has a leak so they weren't out. Bummer. Of course I didn't bring my camera.

Lee's awake. Gotta run!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Lee and Roxy

Lee turned 7 months old on Jan. 1st when this picture was taken. Here he is with his buddy Roxy.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Xmas Pics!

Happy New Year everyone! Are you ready for a bunch of pictures taken this past week??? We had a great Xmas visiting my family and Dave's family. We also had a New Year's Day party on Sunday that was a great time. We are going to make it an annual party, so those who didn't make it this year can make it a point to attend next year.

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