Life With Lee

Trials and tribulations (and fun!) in dealing with two little boys.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Day at the zoo

On Friday (yes, almost a week ago), we went to the zoo. It was a perfect autumn day and there were very few people there. The last time David and I went was on my due date in May and the place was mobbed with kids. I was afraid someone was going to run into my belly. I don't know how much Lee knew what was going on. He was pretty comfy in his stroller. There were decorations up for the "Boo at the Zoo" which were fun to see:

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Handsome little guy

Lee has been getting physical therapy for about 2 months now. He was behind developmentally for his head control. He id doing great now and seems to be up to par. He'll continue the therapy until March when he'll be re-evaluated. It's amazing to see how much he's changing day-to-day.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Pumpkin Pickin'

We went to Plumpton Farms this weekend. David and I go every year. It was very special this year since Lee is now with us. We had lots of fun as you can tell by the pictures!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Big Boy!

Yesterday, Lee had his four-month checkup. He received some immuzations. He weighed 18.2 pounds and measured 27 inches. He is above the 90th precentile for both.

He's cranky and tired this morning. My Mom and three of her friend stopped by our house to say hello on their way to the Cayuga Lake to check out the wineries this morning.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Baby Hoodie

Here are some pictures from this weekend:

Lee loves when David sings AC/DC to him. He laughs and laughs!


We make a trip to Babies-R-Us last night and bought a jumperoo for Lee. As you can see, he loves it:

New Project

Since I'm out of work and need to keep a tight rein on the spending and I have a ton of yarn in my stash, I've resolved to make Lee some sweaters. I need to find a pattern which is easy and quick since I have no problem using the same pattern with different yarns.

Here's the sweater I'm working on now:

I'm using a dark green yarn and a multi-colored yarn together to make this pattern.

Now the question is, will I finish it?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Rainy day

So it's a rainy day here is Syracuse. I'm running around trying to get some housework done before David gets home. I don't want to look too much like a slacker. The hallway is painted and the furniture moved back in. I try to get chores done when Lee is occupied with other things besides me, but it's very hard. I don't want him to sleep all day and then be up all night.

Here are some pictures I took of him today:

If you haven't noticed, I changed the colors of my blog. I had no reference color chart for the numbers to go by, so I entered numbers randomly and came out with this. I really like it and it only took me three hours last night.

I'm actually getting out of the house tonight. A friend of mine is having a candle party and I am going. I don't really need any candles but it will be great to get out and socialize.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Lee and the cats

Lee and Louisa
Lee and Baby Zazou in crib

Home Improvement?

Can I tell you how difficult it is to get anything done with a four-month old around?

In an effort to improve the decorating of our house, I've been busy. First of all I bought slipcovers for the couch and chair in the living rooms. Unfortunately, it seems they are both two different shades of moss green. The couch slipcover is almost an olive color and the chair slipcover has more blue in it. I've decided I'm keeping them though. I'm either going to buy or make matching pillows to tie everything in. Now all I have to deal with with the pink recliner......

David's mother lived in the downstairs of our house before she passed away. Sadly, I never met her, but I think her favorite color was pink. I have repained the downstairs bathroom and am now working on the hallway as you can see::

I've discovered painting is not that bad once you get going. I want to put another coat of paint on the walls and work on the ceiling tomorrow.

Next are the two bedrooms and kitchen!

Hat and booties

Here is Lee modeling the hat and booties I made him:

Happy Halloween!

This cute little costume was given to me a couple of months ago. I wanted to try it on before Lee outgrew it.

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